
Desperate Edo Woman Discovers A "Secret Bedroom Formula" To Getting Pregnant Faster, Easier, and Naturally.

(Without IVF, IUI, or expensive visits to the doctor.)

-By Helen Abe | April 2023 |

Read her story below now...

"As I looked at the pregnancy test…  

The words of the doctor stabbed me in the chest like a knife...

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Helen, the result was NEGATIVE."

My eyes were filled with tears as I realized that my dream of becoming a mother had been shattered once again. 

I felt useless, defeated, and hopeless.

It has been over 9 years since I got married to my husband without any child to show for it.

I have tried everything I could think of, every solution I could find… 

But nothing seems to work.

I have gone to countless fertility clinics, and taken countless drugs and products. 

Yet, nothing come out. 

If this story sounds familiar to you…

Don't feel bad, sis.

It's totally not your fault.

I understand how disappointed and hopeless you feel right now.

Because I have been in your shoes.

My name is Helen Abe.

And I'm about to show you the "Secret Bedroom Formula" that helped me conceive…

…And finally gave birth to a handsome baby boy.

Today, I'm a happy proud mom… and the same will happen to you, too.

You know how in Nigeria, after your wedding, the next thing people will start waiting for is your child's naming ceremony?

Well, my case was different.

I was told I can't have a baby because of PCOS.

I was told my egg quality is poor and I had a hormonal imbalance.

I was told, "There is no hope for me.“if IVF didn't work."

It was as if the whole world was against me.

And you know, sis…

When there is no child in a marriage only the woman is blamed.

I was mocked… and called barren. 

I was called a witch and accused of eating the children in my womb.

Those days were the darkest period of my life.

I was so ashamed of attending family meetings, occasions, or visiting certain places...

Because of the constant pressure from my family and in-laws to have a child.

I felt like a failure and a disgrace to womanhood.

Every month, when my period shows up… 

It reminds me of my barrenness and my inability to have kids.

I cried every night and day hoping that God would remember me…

But it was just as if God was deaf to my prayers.

But that's not even all…

What scares me the most is the fact that…

Age Is No Longer On My Side.

…and I was afraid that my husband would leave me for another woman who could give him a child.

I tried every solution under the sun. 

But, nothing worked for me, instead, it all ended up in miscarriages.

I felt rejected and abandoned by God.

I mean, I see my sisters, cousins, and other women getting pregnant and carrying their children.

And it felt so natural, but it wasn't happening for me.

And honestly? 

I was so jealous of them.

I felt like I'm not a real woman because I can't carry a child.

And you know the funny part?

I even bathed in a river 7 times just to have a baby.

Don't blame me, sis, there's nothing a desperate woman looking for a child won't do.

…especially when you're getting older? 

Omo, e no easy at all.

But then, something happened…

I discovered that my husband was cheating on me with the girl his family wants him to marry.

Right there and then I vowed to find a solution to my nightmare.

And I'm so glad I did.

Because it led me to discover a shocking new cause of female infertility…

And why I can't have a baby no matter what I try.

It's called Hydrosalpinx.

And What Is Hydrosalpinx?

A hydrosalpinx is a fluid blockage in your fallopian tubes that make it difficult for you to become pregnant. 

Each time you've sex with your partner…

These toxic fluids go to block the sperm from meeting your egg for fertilization in the (womb).

And when this happens, you'll end up disappointed and not getting pregnant.  

...And If by chance, you manage to get pregnant.

This Hydrosalpinx will cause you to get a miscarriage.

I felt a sense of relief that I had finally found the root cause of my infertility. 

But the question is…

How Do I Get Rid Of This Ugly Condition?

I didn't want to do the expensive surgery my doctor suggested. 

So I began to look for a natural solution… 

…Something that can help me flush out this Hydrosalpinx from my tubes.

It was a difficult adventure.

But after many sleepless nights and searching on the internet…

I finally stumbled on a product called "Eva Fertile."

It promised to treat Hydrosalpinx and boost my fertility.

But I was scared at first. 

After trying so many fertility products online that made me sick and left me with dangerous side effects…

I doubt if it's going to work for me.

But, when I did my research and saw the positive reviews about the product... 

I was convinced to try it... So I bought two bottles for testing.

And omo, I can't believe it. 

The product was so pure and natural.

Just from the flavor, you could tell there are no dangerous side effects,

After 15 days of taking the recommended dosage…

My period came back and I was able to ovulate again.

Because of the massive results I was getting...

I went ahead and bought the 6 bottles which come with 4 FREE gifts

And as I continued taking the products… 

7 weeks later.

I took the HSG test and behold…

My hydrosalpinx and tubal blockage were all gone.

On Friday, Nov 13, 2020.

I Was Confirmed 4 Weeks Pregnant!

I was both excited and scared because I don't want to lose the pregnancy like others.

But glory to God, I had a safe and healthy pregnancy… 

On July 3rd of 2021. 

I Delivered a bouncing baby boy.!

It was the happiest day of my life.

As I held my baby in my arms, tears of joy ran down my cheeks 

My husband was so proud of me… he couldn't be happier.

All thanks to "Eva Fertile

If you're struggling to get pregnant and have your own children… 

I highly recommend Eva Fertile.

And if you want to get the BEST and FAST results as I did...

Go for the 6 bottles, you'll be glad you did."


Eva Fertile is a blend of Pure Natural African herbs and roots, specially designed to target and eliminate Hydrosalpinx from your tubes.

Therefore making it easier for the ovulated egg to travel down to meet the sperm for fertilization.

So you can get pregnant naturally and give birth without any issues.

Click Below To Start Your Journey Of Motherhood

Does This Product Really Work?

Unlike many ineffective fertility products on the market...

Eva Fertile is made with 3 Most Powerful Exotic Natural ingredients proven to treat Hydrosalpinx and boost Fertility.

Here Are The Ingredients:

Fenugreek Seed.

  • Treats Hydrosalpinx.
  • Boost Fertility.
  • Balance Hormones.
  • Treat PCOS.
  • Improve Menstruation.
  • Helps In Weight Loss.

Senna Occidentails.

  • Treats infertilit.
  • Cure Stubborn Infection..
  • Detoxify Live.
  • Boost Immune System.

Turnera Diffisa.

  • Treats infertilit.
  • Increase sexual satisfaction.
  • Reduces Vaginal Dryness.
  • Balance Hormones.

Eva Fertile Is Pure Natural.

Here's What Women Are Saying About Eva Fertile.


–Mrs. Daniella, Abuja.

I was a TTC mum for 10yrs, I had seven miscarriages and 5 failed IVF when I thought all hope was lost. God brought Eva Fertile my way.  Now I'm a proud mother of two cute boys, you don't know how happy I am each time I carry my kids. God bless you for this solution. I recommend every TTC Mom to try this, go for the 6 bottles, sis, it will blow ur mind.


– Mrs. Chinyere, Lagos State.

"I used to struggle with infertility, blocked tubes, Fibroid, and PCOS, and I was unable to get pregnant for 6yrs in marriage. But after I used "6 bottles of Eva Fertile & other FREE Gifts" it was a complete game-changer. I got pregnant and gave birth without stress after 9 months. God used this solution to wipe away my tears and I'm super happy! 


–Mrs. Prisca, Port Harcourt.

"I was a TTC  for over 3yrs and had my first IVF last January but I suffered a miscarriage after my first attempt. I was so depressed cos we had spent all our savings on the bridge because my tubes were blocked. When my friend introduced me to "Eva Fertile" I was skeptical about it but after much convincing from her, I decided to try it to the Glory of God I got pregnant after 14 weeks. I'm now a happy mother of a beautiful princess.

How Much Does This Product Cost?

Normally, a bottle of EvaFertile costs N24,500.

But when you take advantage of our MEGA PROMO and Order RIGHT NOW...

You'll Get 50% OFF For Every Bottle You Order.

Plus, 2 FREE Bonuses When You Order 6 Bottles Or 2 Bottles PRO:

Bonus 1:

Fertility Xpress For Fibroid.

Price: ₦25,000 FREE Today

Are You Suffering From Uterine Fibroid That's Stopping You From Getting Pregnant?

This unique herbal formula will help you Treat Fibroids & boost your fertility without any operation.

Bonus 2:

Mejic Tea For Hormonal Imbalance.

Price: ₦19,500 FREE Today

Is Hormonal Imbalance The Reason Why You Can't Get Pregnant? Worry no more.

This Mejic Herbal Tea Will help balance your essential hormones and prepare you for pregnancy.

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Normally we charge N5,000 for delivery Nationwide.

But when you take advantage of our MEGA PROMO & Orde RIGHT NOW...

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Select Your Package Below:

 (We Highly Recommend The 6 Bottles For BEST Results).

2 Bottles

1 Month Supply

N25,500 ONLY

Normal Price: N49,000


6 Bottles

Highly Recommended For BEST Results.

6 Months Supply

N45,500 ONLY

Normal Price: N147,000


2 Bottles PRO

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N35,500 ONLY

Normal Price: N73,000


Kindly Place Your Order To Start Your Journey Of Motherhood.

Become A Happy Proud Mother With Our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Try" EvaFertile" for 30 days and if you're not satisfied with the result.

Kindly reach out to us to get a full refund–no questions asked.

So go ahead and place your order below.

 (We Highly Recommend The 6 Bottles For BEST Results).

2 Bottles

1 Month Supply

N25,500 ONLY

Normal Price: N49,000


6 Bottles

Highly Recommended For BEST Results.

6 Months Supply

N45,500 ONLY

Normal Price: N147,000


2 Bottles PRO

Buy 2 & Get 1 FREE

N35,500 ONLY

Normal Price: N73,000


Scientific References:

Cohen A, Almog B, Tulandi T. Hydrosalpinx sclerotherapy before in vitro fertilization: systematic review and meta-analysis.
( J
Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2018;25(4):600-607. Accessed 11/11/2022.

El-Mazny A, Ramadan W, Kamel A, Gad-Allah S. Effect of hydrosalpinx on uterine and ovarian hemodynamics in women with tubal factor infertility. ( Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016;199:55-59. Accessed 11/11/2022.

Melo P, Georgiou EX, Johnson N, et al. Surgical treatment for tubal disease in women due to undergo in vitro fertilisation. ( Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020;10(10):CD002125. Published 2020 Oct 22. Accessed 11/11/2022.

Zhang WX, Jiang H, Wang XM, Wang L. Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes of interventional ultrasound sclerotherapy with 98% ethanol on women with hydrosalpinx before in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer ( [published correction appears in Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Jan;212(1):102]. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014;210(3):250.e1-5. Accessed 11/11/2022.

PubMed (


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